An Overview of All Known Pipe Bands in NC
What Makes the Band Unique:
Each band has its own distinctive history. Scroll down to see an alphabetical listing of 40+ identified bands. Click View Extended History to read further.
Amran Highlanders – Raleigh

McLeod of Harris Tartan
Pipe Major: Frank Spears (1983–1985)
Organized: 1983 as a Shrine Pipe Band
Dissolved: Band gradually included non-Shrine members. To be all-inclusive, it evolved into the McLeod Pipe Band. Original Shrine members continued to perform at Shrine functions a few more years.
Charter Members:
Pipers – Frank Spears, Bud Cates, Bill Oram, John Anderson, Jack Hines, Jack Phillips
Snare Drummer – Bill Oram
Bass – Jim Oram
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band composed of active Shriners. Performed for two Shrine ceremonies a year and participated in numerous parades. Band did not take itself too seriously and members had a good time.
An Gorta Mor Memorial Pipes and Drums - Wake Forest

Irish Diaspora
Pipe Major: Brian Wells (2020 to present)
Organized: 2020
Charter Members:
Pipers – Chris Cooke, George McEvoy, Brendan O'Brien; Jason Roden, Brian Wells, Jack White, Chris Young
Drummers – Kevin Murray, Dennis O'Brien, D/S
What Makes the Band Unique:
Second Irish pipe band in the state. Gaelic name means The Great Hunger. Affiliated with the local Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), the band shares their mission of Christian charity, focusing specifically on fighting hunger locally.
Asheville Firefighters Pipes and Drums - Asheville

Asheville Firefighters Pipes and Drums
Pipe Major: Patrick Boland (2009-present)
Organized: 2009 as a Fire Department Pipe Band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Patrick Boland and Paul Monroe
Drummers – Mike Edwards, Hayne Griffin, and Mike Riley, Snares
Bass – Kevin Miller
What Makes the Band Unique:
All players are firemen within the Asheville Fire Department. The band serves the Fire Department by playing at funerals, benefits, fundraisers, and by participating in nationwide Fire Department Conferences.
Caledonian Pipe Band - Winston-Salem

Pipe Major: Jack Smith
Organized: 1946
Dissolved: Around 1950
Other Names for the Band: New Caledonian Pipe Band; Blue Ribbon Pipe Band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Jack Smith, Jack Smith, Jr, Douglas Smith, Shober Speas, Roby Bowen
Snare Drummers – Frank Elliott, Ken Bailey, Ray Hawkins
Bass Drummer – Melvin Speas
Drum Major – Lewis Cranfield
What Makes the Band Unique:
First pipe band in NC and the South. Led the inauguration parade for Governor W. Kerr Scott in 1949 in Raleigh.
Cape Fear Highlanders - Wilmington

MacNeil of Barra
Pipe Major: Kirk Rose (1999-2003); Seth Wells (2003-2004); David Bleaking (2004-2005)
Organized: 1999 as a Boy Scout Band
Dissolved: 2005
Charter Members:
Pipers – Kirk Rose, David Bleaking, Seth Wells, Scott Anderson, Drew Creech, Jack Driver, Mark Driver, Judy McFadden, Karl
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band one of two in state associated with the Boy Scouts of America. Established as a Cape Fear Council Venturing Troop so band could be co-ed. Band recruited new members by involving family members.
Competition History: Grade 5
Cape Fear Highlanders 2 - Wilmington
Pipe Major: Seth Wells
Organized: 2009 as a competition band
Dissolved: 2010
Charter Members:
Pipers – Seth Wells, David Bleaking, Peter McArthur, Steve Fisher, Richie D'Arata
Drummers – Bryan Jeffries
What Makes the Band Unique:
An effort to revive the Cape Fear Highlanders by having top players from eastern NC and SC join together for a competition-only band. Band won Grade 4 at Gatlinburg (TN) Scottish Festival and Highland Games in 2010, its first time out.
Competition History: Grade 4
Ceol na Gael - Charlotte

Irish Saffron
Pipe Major: Michael Holian (2001); Mike McLeod; Andy Girardin; Greg Stoffa; Danny Stewart; Dan MacLean
Organized: 2001 as an Irish pipe band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Bruce Thompson, Michael Holian, Shawn Downs, and Scott Sullivan
Bass Drummer – Frank Keenan
What Makes the Band Unique:
The first Irish pipe band in the state. Performs at Irish pubs and restaurants and plays in parades.
Charlotte Caledonian Pipe Band - Charlotte

Stewart of Bute

Royal Stewart
Pipe Major: Jack Smith (1964-67); Harvey Ritch (1967-70); Dick Chapin (1970-72); Hal Garrison (1972-73); Dick Campbell (1973-75); Dick Chapin (1976); Wade Carpenter (1977); Don Tyson (1978-79); Henry Graham (1980); Arch de Castrique (1980-83); Burt Mitchell (1984-85); Timmy Cannon (1986-90)
Organized: 1964 as community band by native Scots Jack Stevens of Charlotte and Jack Smith of Winston-Salem.
Dissolved: 1990
Charter Members:
Pipers – Jack Smith, Jack Steven, Tom Cates, Henry Graham, and George Whitefield
Snare Drummers – Kenny Smith, George Lund
Bass Drummer – Tyree McIntosh
What Makes the Band Unique:
When formed in 1964, it was the only pipe band in the state. Traditionally a performance band, it appeared in numerous venues throughout NC and SC.
Competition History: Grade 4. Competed at the Canadian National Exposition in 1973.
Charlotte Fire Department Pipes and Drums - Charlotte

Charlotte Fire Department

National Millennium
Pipe Major: David Thornburg (2001-present)
Organized: 2001 as a Fire Department Pipe Band
Charter Members:
Pipers – David Thornburg; Jim Huffman, Jim Carroll, Jerry Price, Dave McKenzie
Snare Drummers – John McGinnis, Jay Meyers, Cecilia Zappa
Bass Drummer – Troy Ratchford
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band takes pride in being composed of all operational firemen. It plays for retiree funerals, Fire Department graduations, Fallen Firefighter Memorials, annual National Fire Academy events, as well as area parades. Sponsoring Fire Chief is very supportive of the band.
Charlotte Scottish - Charlotte

Ancient Hunting MacRae
Pipe Major: Harvey Ritch (1970-1972); Albert McMullin (1973)
Organized: 1970 as a competition band
Dissolved: 1973 when Harvey Ritch relocated to Banner Elk.
Charter Members:
Pipers – Harvey Ritch, Ruth Stambaugh, Tom Karl, Don Karl, Don McCall, Connie Adams
Snare Drummers – Eddie Aston, David Wonsey and Kenny Smith
Tenor Drummer – Winnie Adams
Bass Drummer – Joe Ritch
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band recruited younger players from the Charlotte Caledonian Pipe Band who wanted to be part of a competition band. Band fared well in each competition it entered over its three years of existence.
City of Oaks Pipe Band - Raleigh

McLeod of Harris Tartan
Pipe Major: Frank Spears (1985-1987); Tom Finnell (1987); Cindy Visness (1988); Gale Buck (1988-1990); Bruce Wright (1991-1998); Ron Shaffer (1999); Bruce Wright (2000-2005)
Organized: 1985 as an inclusive band for both members of the community and the Amran Highlanders Shrine Band
Dissolved: Band merged with the NCSU PIpes and Drums in 2005.
Other Names for the Band: McLeod Pipe Band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Frank Spears, Jack Hines, Bud Cates, Bill Oram, John Anderson
Bass Drummer – Jim Oram
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band began as a blending of community people and Shriners. Members of the Occoneechee Highlanders filled out the ranks in the late 1990’s. Band was like an extended family with the parents of young people involved. Bandsmen socialized after practice and enjoyed being together.
Competition History: Grades 4 and 5
Clan Cameron Pipe Band - Raleigh

Pipe Major: Bill Logan (1976-1977); Peter Kent (1977-1978)
Organized: 1976 as a competition band
Dissolved: Band dissolved in 1978 but the pipers entered quartet competitions through 1980.
Other Names for the Band: Ethos Pipe Band
Charter Members:
Pipers – John Sprague, Chuck Henry, Joe Seibert, Tim Cole, Katherine Heath, Joey McNeill, Randy Carson. Other pipers joining within a few months included Bill Logan, Peter Kent, and Ruffin Hobbs.
Snare Drummers – Eddie Aston, Tommy Kee, Mike McPherson, Kent Love (Bass)
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band formed as a competition band to give better NCSU bandsmen something to do over the summer. It continued at the end of the summer when Bill Logan became P/M. Sponsored by Clan Cameron. Consistently won competitions in Grade 4 and 3 in its short existence.
Competition History: Grades 3 and 4
Clan Lindsay Pipe Band - Greensboro

Pipe Major: Mark Elliott (2010-2012)
Organized: 2010
Dissolved: 2012
Charter Members:
Pipers – Mark Elliott, David Carroll, Harvey McLendon, Johnny Burris, Nathaniel Atkinson, Jeremy Atkinson, Lee Atkinson, Scott McLeod
Drummers – Jason Higgins, David Elliott, Kathryn Campbell, Austin Campbell, Tari Russell
What Makes the Band Unique:
The band had a strong association with Clan Lindsay. The focus was on the music— playing good arrangements of music and playing it well.
Competition History: Grades 4 and 5
Cross Creek Pipes and Drums - Fayetteville

Carolina Weathered

Carolina Modern
Pipe Major: Bob Palmer (1984-1988); Bill Palmer (1988-1990); Bill Reid (1990); Daniel Chisholm (1990-1991); Bill Palmer (1991-1992); Doug Elwell (1992); Kirk Rose (1992-1993); Bob Palmer (1993-1994); Doug Elwell (1994-2006); Peter MacArthur (2006-present)
Organized: 1984 as a community pipe band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Bob Palmer, Bob Larkey
Bass Drummer – Dave
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band is located in a transient military town. Players connected with Ft. Bragg may be deployed overseas, depleting the numbers in the band.
Competition History: Grades 4 and 5
Deep River Pipe Band - Archdale

Scotland 2000
Pipe Major: Jeff Coburn (1998-1999); Linda Millar (1999-2000); Chris Donaldson (2001-2010)
Organized: 1998 as a community pipe band
Dissolved: 2010
Charter Members:
Pipers – Jeff Coburn, Chris Donaldson, Scott Fisher, Tom Netsel, Josh Hinson, Robbie Parris, Dave Thomas, Bruce Sprinkle
Snare Drummer – Tim Conlan, Tony Millar, Chris Lovelace and Fran Gardner
Tenor Drummer – Jennifer Donaldson, Stephanie Gardner
Bass Drummer – Warren Hinson
What Makes the Band Unique:
The band was welcoming and friendly. There was a real desire amongst bandsmen to improve, both as individuals and as a band.
Competition History: Grades 4 and 5
Durham School of the Arts Bagpipe Band - Durham

McLeod of Harris Tartan
Pipe Major: Darrell Thompson (2007-2010); Cameron Brown (2010-2011)
Organized: 2007 as a school pipe band
Dissolved: 2011 when Cameron, the last DSA student piper graduated and left for college
Charter Members:
Pipers – Darrell Thompson, Connor Thompson, Cameron Bown, Bruce Wright, Larkin Taylor-Parker, Henry Worrell, Graham Austin, Ian Cuncannan, Max Spencer, Shennell Watson and Dylan Radford
What Makes the Band Unique:
The band was a good fit for the Durham School of the Arts, a school that encouraged thinking outside the box, developing odd and unusual talents. The principal and other teachers in the school were very supportive.
Grandfather Mountain Highlanders - Linville

Ancient Hunting MacRae

Modern Red Macrae

Weathered Hunting Macrae

Ancient Red Macrae
Pipe Major: Harvey Ritch (1974-1981); Ken Swinton (1981-1982); Ed Krintz (1983-1986); Bill Caudill (1987-1990); Ed Krintz (1990-1994); Scott McLeod (1994-1996); Gordon Warburton (1996-2006); Justin Gonzalez (2006-2008); Gordon Warburton (2008 to present)
Organized: 1974
Charter Members:
Pipers – Harvey Ritch, Tonya Dobrowski, Betsy Hutchison, Bob Keleman, Tom Keleman, Donnie Keleman, Kim Zip, Lisa McDonald, Timmy Hord
Tenor Drummers – Sally Gideon, Beth Frink, Pam Madigan
Snare Drummers – David Wonsey, Charlie Ferrell
Bass Drum – Joe Ritch
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band founded by Harvey Ritch and Agnes MacRea Morton with many of charter members coming from dissolved Charlotte Scottish band. Band serves as the host band for the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. Over the years it has focused on developing young players and recruiting top players from a wide geographic area with the goal of being a top competition band.
Competition History: Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5
Grandfather Volunteer Bagpipe Band - Linville
Pipe Major: Ludovic Grant-Alexander
Organized: 1965 as a band to perform at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games
Dissolved: 1966
Charter Members:
Pipers – Ludovid Grant-Alexander, Don Robinson
What Makes the Band Unique:
In 1964-1965 there were few pipers across the state. The volunteer band was an opportunity for these pipers to play together, adding the sound of traditional Scottish marches to the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games.
Greenville Public Safety Pipes and Drums - Greenville

Mitchell, Modern
Pipe Major: Steve Hawley (2008-2013); Randy Tyson (2013 - present)
Organized: 2008
Charter Members:
Pipers – Steve Hawley, Matt McMahon, Chris Salter
Snare Drummer – Scott Salter
What Makes the Band Unique:
The band performs at ceremonies and events for Fire/Rescue, Law Enforcement, and Military in Eastern North Carolina. Band members participate in multicultural events and non-profit fund raisers in the Greenville area.
Guilford College Pipe Band - Greensboro

Graham of Montrose Weathered
Pipe Major: Henry Hood (1964-1970); Herbert Poole (1970-1971)
Organized: 1964 as a college pipe band
Dissolved: 1971
Charter Members:
Pipers – Henry Hood, Herbert Poole, David Roberts, Gary Johnson, Donald Deagon, Timothy Snyder
Bass Drummer – Phillip Pollet
Snare Drummers – David Hunter, John Knight, Thomas Huntington
What Makes the Band Unique:
One of the first pipe bands to form in NC, it was the first college pipe band in the state. Herbert Poole, the P/M of the band, wrote the article in The State magazine which inspired this website.
Highlands Pipes and Drums - Highlands

Pipe Major: Michael Waters
Organized: 1989 as a community pipe band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Michael Waters, Tony Chambers, Allen Moore, Dewayne Chapman
Drummer – Scott Paxton
Drum Major – Walter Taylor
What Makes the Band Unique:
The band owes its existence to Dr. Gordon Teal, the Keeper of Her Majesty’s Tartans and the first curator of the Scottish Tartans Museum in Highlands, NC.
Competition History: Grade 4 and 5
Jamestown Pipes and Drums - Jamestown

Scottish National Modern
Pipe Major: Kyle Auman (1999 - present)
Organized: 1999 as a feeder band for the Grandfather Mountain HIghlanders
Other Names for the Band: Grandfather Mountain Highlanders 5
Charter Members:
Pipers – Kyle Auman, Andy Maness, Charlie Hatley, David Rosser, Karl Fetter, Lee McLeod, Tristal Ruth, Stuart Davidson
Drummers – Lee Hinshaw, Luke Mitchell, Hadley Iliff, Stephan Malloy, Billy Kuntz, Logan Buck, Brandon Miller
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band practices are meant to be enjoyed. Everybody has a voice in band decisions. The band enjoys good relationships with all other bands.
Competition History: Grades 4 and 5
Loch Norman Pipe Band - Huntersville

Modern Davidson
Pipe Major: Ed Krintz (1994-2010); Andrea Jones (2010 - present)
Organized: 1994 as a community band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Ed Krintz, Timmy Hord, Melody Love, Owen McFadden, Thomas Hahn, David Johnston, Randy McInnis, Don Tyson, Mike Holian
Drummers – Chuck Schaeufele, Ken O'Neill, Debbie O'Neill, Deanna Davidson, Mat McGee
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band has close ties to the Loch Norman Highland Games, wearing the Davidson tartan, meeting for rehearsals in Huntersville, and serving as the host band for the Games.
Competition History: Grades 3, 4, and 5
Mint Hill Highlanders - Mint Hill
Pipe Major: Ed Steel
Organized: 2010 to perform at the Mint Hill Highland Games
Dissolved: 2012, the last year of the Mint Hill Highland Games
Charter Members:
Pipers – Ed Steel, Owen McFadden, Bob Poderski, Andrea Jones, Brian Wall, Dave Thornburg, Jim Huffman, Mark Adamson, Mike Urquhart
Drummers – Drew Fally, Drake Osborn, Tim Conway, Rob Moore, Allison Dean
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band formed to be the host band for the Mint Hill Highland Games. It consisted of accomplished musicians who performed at the Games for three years, 2010, 2011, and 2012.
Montreat Scottish Pipes and Drums - Asheville

Royal Stewart

Prince Charles Edward Stewart

Pipe Major: John Kiely (1972-1975); Ken Swinton (1975-1977); Joe Bailey (1977-present)
Organized: 1972 as a community pipe band
Other Names for the Band: Asheville Highlanders; Chimney Rock Highlanders
Charter Members:
Pipers – John Kiely, Ken Swinton, Bobby Clower, Laurie Clower, Emily Snyder, Frank Davidson, Dave Maleski
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band sponsored by the Montreat Scottish Society and performs in Montreat at an annual Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan service and July 4th parade. It performs with the Blue Ridge Brass at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games as well as other concerts including several tours to Scotland and Washington, DC. It has made five CD’s with the brass.
Competition History: Grades 3, 4 and 5
Mooresville Fire and Rescue Pipes and Drums - Mooresville

Pipe Major: Mark Shifflet (2014-present)
Organized: 2014
Charter Members:
Pipers – Greg Parsons, Mark Shifflet
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band members are all Firefighters.
North Carolina Brotherhood Pipes and Drums - Atlantic City
Organized: 2011 as a combined group of Fire Department Pipe Bands
North Carolina State University Pipes and Drums - Raleigh

Red Scott


NCSU - Pack Plaid
Pipe Major: Directors: Ted Tonkinson (1968-1970); Bob Howland (1970-1977); John Sprague (1977-2012); Darrell Thompson (2013- present)
Organized: 1968 as student band on NCSU campus
Charter Members:
Pipers – Ted Tonkinson and Bob Howland, Directors; Richard Ferguson, Hal Garrison, Danny Hayes, Leonard Robertson, and John Sprague
Drummers – Mack Bailey, William Horchler, John McLamb, Dean Pershing, and Frank Roberts
What Makes the Band Unique:
Longest running pipe band in state. John Sprague was active member of the band for 43 years, serving as Director for 35 years. Beginning bagpipe classes offered for credit each semester to NCSU students. Pipes and Drums scholarship available to experienced undergraduate players.
Competition History: Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5. Competed at four contests in Scotland in 1986, including the World Pipe Band Championship.
Oasis Highlanders - Charlotte

Dress Campbell
Pipe Major: Gerald Lee
Organized: 1978 as a Shrine Pipe Band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Gerald Lee, Paul Webb
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band composed of all Shriners who enjoy the fellowship the band provides. Income received for parades and performances supports children with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn injuries and other healthcare needs.
Occoneechee Highlanders - Raleigh

Pipe Major: E. Gale Buck (1990 - 1999); Tim Webb (1999)
Organized: 1990 as Toop 90 in the Occoneechee Council, Boy Scouts of America
Dissolved: 1999
Charter Members:
Pipers – Gale Buck, Jon Coker, Luke Williams, Stephen Toney, Russ Lippard, Alan McDougal, Shawn Evans, Ruth Drye
Drummers – Trevor Buck, Josh Coker, Corey Murphy, Scotty Drye
What Makes the Band Unique:
First Scout bagpipe band in the state. All players registered with either a Boy Scout or Girl Scout troop. Performed at Scout Jamborees, festivals and parades.
Competition History: Grade 5
Piedmont Firefighters Pipes and Drums - Winston-Salem

Firefighter Bunker
Pipe Major: Jim Ritchey (2014 - present)
Organized: 2014 as a Fire Department Pipe Band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Jim Ritchey, Stephen Tesh, Marc Thomas, Barry McLean, Richard Washabaugh
Snare Drummers – Bradley Fulk, Aaron Noah, Adam Hill, Andrew McLean, Mallory Needham, Darin Needham
Tenor Drummers – Cody Mathis, Julie Marshall
What Makes the Band Unique:
The band is composed of firefighters, law enforcement, paramedics and public safety personnel from Forsyth, Yadkin, Davidson and surrounding counties.
Piobadh na Triantan - Raleigh

Pipe Major: John Sprague (2014 - present)
Organized: 2014
Other Names for the Band: Piping in the Triangle
Charter Members:
Pipers – John Sprague, Emily Sprague, John Starke
Snare Drum – Price Oman and Steve Tytran
Bass Drum – Evan Tytran
What Makes the Band Unique:
Small band which enjoys playing tunes with interesting harmonies and counterpoint melodies, complemented by a variety of percussion instruments.
Port City Pipes and Drums - Wilmington

Royal Stewart
Pipe Major: Andy Simpson (1995 - present)
Organized: 1995 as a community pipe band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Andy Simpson, Maria Simpson, Louis F. Hines III, Charles Wildinson, Dick McGraw
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band directed by former Scots Guards piper. His goal is for band to teach the culture related to bagpipes, for bandsmen to have fun and to be upstanding musicians.
Competition History: Grade 5
Queen City Juvenile Pipes and Drums - Charlotte
Pipe Major: Andrea Jones (2014-present)
Organized: 2014 by Andrea Jones and Allison Dean as a juvenile pipe band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Liam Broughton John Schubert, Mariana Bustamante, John Bustamante, Noah Schnee
Drummers – Will Dean, Luke Schubert
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band of young people, all under the age of 18.
School of Scottish Arts
Pipe Major: Ludovich Grant-Alexander (1966); Sandy ? (1967); Matt Forsyth (1968, 1970); P/M MacRae (1971-1972); Greg Murdoch (1973-1981)
Organized: 1966
Dissolved: 1982 when piping was no longer offered at the school
Other Names for the Band: Highland Arts Camp
What Makes the Band Unique:
Band made up of pipers and drummers at the summer school who performed for a Ceilidh at the end of the summer session.
St. Andrews University Pipe Band - Laurinburg

Errol of St. Andrews
Pipe Major: Director: Bill Caudill (1991-present)
Organized: 1991 as part of St. Andrews Presbyterian College’s Scottish Heritage Center
Other Names for the Band: St. Andrews College Pipe Band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Bill Caudill, Director; Courtney Pate, Wendy Gibson, Susan Walmsley, Ian James, Rod Gammon, Kevin Buckley
Bass Drummer – Michelle Duvignez
Snare Drummers – Tom Blackburn’s son and another faculty member’s son
What Makes the Band Unique:
A private university pipe band, active only during the school year. Experienced players recruited from all over US and Canada. Band has made two CD’s. Hear 2015 competition medley
Competition History: Grade 3 and 4
Scotland County High School - Laurinburg

Royal Stewart
Pipe Major: School Band Directors: Bert Owen (1975-1988); Charlie Allen (1988 - ); Pipe Majors: Glen Gustafson (1976 - )
Organized: 1975 as a high school pipe band
Charter Members:
What Makes the Band Unique:
Scotland County High School is in a county of people descended from Scottish immigrants. The mascot for the high school was a bagpiper, a single piper who played with the marching band prior to the formation of a pipe band. The band included Highland dancers taught by a graduate of Flora Macdonald College.
Statesville High School - Statesville

Royal Stewart
Pipe Major: Band Directors: Jim Calabrese (1961-71); Ken Rudd (1971-83)
Organized: 1961 as a pipe band unit of the Statesville High School Marching Band
Dissolved: late 1980's
Charter Members:
Pipers – All pipers were members of the Marching Band, playing pipes during football season and another instrument in the Concert Band.
What Makes the Band Unique:
The pipes added a stirring sound to the marching band, making the band stand out during regional band competitions.
Triad Highlanders - Greensboro

Black Watch
Pipe Major: Bob Norris (2010 - 2014)
Organized: 2010 as a community pipe band
Dissolved: 2014
Charter Members:
Pipers – Bob Norris, Dave Hinshaw, Andy Norris, Bobby Norris, Tom Netsel, Ted Allen, Robert Bell
Drummers – Dave Elliott, Yvonne Labonne, Warren Morrison
What Makes the Band Unique:
The band was a non-competing performance band made up of players of all ages and skill levels. The band members were bound by a code of conduct that required them at all times to maintain a positive image, be kind, friendly and caring to all in the community.
Wake and District Public Safety Pipes and Drums - Raleigh

Black Stewart
Pipe Major: Director: Joe Brady (2006 - present)
Organized: 2006
What Makes the Band Unique:
Mission is to provide a distinguishing tribute for fallen comrades and to be in service to the families of public safety employees of the Raleigh region and across NC.
Competition History: Grades 3, 4 and 5
Wilmington Police Pipes and Drums

MacNeil of Barra
Pipe Major: Kirk Rose (2001 - 2002); Tom Tilmon (2002 - 2023); Joshua Childress (2023 - present)
Organized: 2000 as a police department pipe band
Charter Members:
Pipers – Kirk Rose, Tom Tilmon, Matt Hinson, Timothy Hinson
What Makes the Band Unique:
First police pipe band in the state.